Waterkeepers Carolina: Building a Consistent Brand

Creating a consistent and powerful brand voice for the guardians of our waterways.

Communications success is mostly about consistency.

Communications success is mostly about consistancy. See how consistent communication and smart campaigns helped Waterkeepers Carolina see major gains in engagement and followership across all social media channels in 2021.

See how a measured approach to brand building pays big dividends.

Building a Voice

We started with the voice and tone for the brand. Waterkeepers Carolina, as a coalition, was in search of its own identity and trust among the public and lawmakers alike.

We crafted a unique and powerful brand voice and tone that matched the client’s visual branding. This strategic alignment allowed them to address their issues with authority and strength while sticking to what they know best – the science.

After deep conversations with staff and stakeholders, here are the attributes we uncovered:

  • Protector
  • Honest
  • Trusted
  • Strong
  • Approachable
  • Scientific
  • Do no harm, but take no shit

Looking the Part

Since Waterkeepers Carolina was collection of over 12 organizations across the state, we also wanted to unify how our message looked in addition to how it sounded. So we created social media templates so Waterkeepers Carolina will be able to continue their strong social presence for years to come.

Educating the public about a growing crisis in North Carolina’s waterways.

We created a successful campaign to keep the public safe while educating about the dangers of algae blooms in our waterways. We created social graphics and videos along with flyers and an infographic.

Results: So What Was It All For?

The purpose of every brand is to have something to say. Today you have to do more. You not only need to have a voice, but you also have to use it. We helped the client emerge with a strong, unified voice and we kept the drumbeat going to set them up for success into the future.

Social Media

Increase in followers
Increase in post reach
Increase in post impressions
Increase in engagements
Increase in link clicks


Increase in visits
Increase in unique visitors
Increase in page views

Paid Digital Advertising Resulted in:
