Paws4ever: Strategy and Message Guidance

Creating a plan to unstick communications and marketing so more pets can be saved.

Brands take constant care and attention. They must change and grow as the organization does the same. Paws4ever approached us because their brand and voice didn’t feel like them any longer. As an animal shelter and adoption location, pet training center, and a very large dog park they had so much to offer the community if only the org could connect to the community.

After a deep audit of their organization, talking with stakeholders, and surveying their community we narrowed in on the issues.

  • They do a lot! Unfocused messaging about their various services was muddying the waters
  • Their informative tone didn’t match the warm and friendly one pet adopters were looking for
  • A lack of SEO on the website meant pet lovers didn’t even know they existed
  • Time: they have very limited staff resources to take on extra projects

Doing the Work

Paws4ever stated early on that they wanted to actually do the work to provide some organizational growth. So we switched gears to coaches and teachers to help them understand the theories behind changes.

Tuneup, Not an Overhaul

Another thing we decided early on is their current visual brand was fun and effective. No need to change that. So we just focused on messaging, audience, and strategy to make it all hang together.

Bringing Order and Process

For some of our clients, our greatest asset is bringing our decades of experience to bear on their problems to get everyone unstuck. We listened to what the client wants, what their audience needed and (very importantly) the capacity of the team and this is what we delivered.

Defining the Audience

Strategy with Guidance

Time and Goals

Message Training

We also learned that while everyone on staff held strong beliefs about the organization, they weren’t singing from the same songbook. So we organized a message training to unify how everyone spoke about the mission and provide tools and tips for the more shy staff members.


In the end, Paws4ever got a rejuvenated messaging and an actionable communications strategy made just for them that has helped unstick their marketing. Today, they are still thriving, saving pets, and creating forever home all across their area.