Frontlines of Vaccine Communication

Since our founding in 2010, BC/DC Ideas has been on the frontlines of vaccine communication, helping parents, providers and patients understand the importance of immunization through social media and communications campaigns.

Vaccine messages, campaigns and communication are some of our favorite challenges. Our team brings 12 years of experience in deploying successful communications campaigns. Our agency has over a decade of experience increasing vaccination rates from building better messages to build trust in vaccines to hyper-targeted paid media campaigns.

Vaccines need smart, savvy strategies to be successful. We need thoughtful campaigns to address our community’s fears and concerns while building trust for medicine, science, and public health leaders. BC/DC Ideas is ready to support your community with pro-vaccine projects.

Experience in Designing, Developing and Implementing Vaccine Communication Campaigns

We have crafted plain language messaging to improve vaccination rates for adolescent and childhood vaccinations. We have over a decade of experience developing messages to inform the public about vaccines, promote vaccine confidence, and address vaccine hesitancy in every population.

Campaigns and Messaging

Led messaging and campaign development for Washington state’s Immunity Community, which contributed to an increase in vaccine acceptance from parents. See Immunity Community’s Talking About Vaccines and read research results here

Targeted Advertising

Managed large-scale paid advertising campaigns to reach target populations to improve vaccination rates for the American Cancer Society’s North Texas HPV Cancer-Free Campaign in 2019 and 2020.

Pioneering Messaging Frameworks

Developed an empathy model for addressing vaccine hesitancy, presented at the National Immunizations Coalitions Conference in 2019. 

Talk the Talk With Medical Pros

Created materials to guide medical professionals such as physicians, nurses and other health system professionals to use more effective messages for their patients.

We developed messaging and campaigns for the National HPV Vaccination Roundtable’s Nurses Get it Done program.

Engaging At-Risk Populations

Effectively engaged historically marginalized and at-risk populations and developed culturally appropriate communications.

We developed regionally and culturally appropriate HPV vaccine materials for The Arizona Partnership for Immunizations.

Experience in Designing, Developing and Implementing Vaccine Communication Campaigns

Distilled key HPV vaccine messages into easy to understand flyers and infographics for the American Cancer Society. The Don’t Wait to Vaccinate flyer is used nation-wide in pediatrician offices.

Experience in Designing, Developing and Implementing Vaccine Communication Campaigns

Developed compelling motion graphic messages for the American Cancer Society.

Created fun informational spots to improve parent knowledge about vaccines for the National HPV Vaccination Roundtable.

Conducted interviews with vaccinating parents to improve vaccination rates.

Skilled at Collaboratively Managing and Coordinating Campaigns to Deployment

Thrive at working with coalitions and stakeholders to improve the spread of positive messaging and implementation tactics to strengthen information dissemination.

  • Deployed communications toolkits and resources with the National HPV Vaccination Roundtable
  • Have longstanding personal relationships with the national vaccine community – CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, Vaccinate Your Family, National HPV Vaccination Roundtable and more.

Excel at utilizing analytics to refine campaign approaches and using data to inform decision-making. One example of this is the HPV campaign in north Texas utilized rapid A/B ad testing to refine the messages and deployment strategies.

Reach out to our team to discuss how we can bring our experience to your vaccine communications campaign.

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