A New Way to Talk About Teen Birth Control Options

With The Playbook, Girls in North Carolina Are Learning to Find It & Love It What if teaching teens about their long-term birth control options was fun, colorful and most of all accurate? In Gaston County, NC, a growing number of young women are taking control of their birth control choices. With The Playbook, they are […]
Teen vaccines don’t have to be complicated! It’s as easy as 1-2-3!

The Arizona Partnership for Immunizations (TAPI) is helping teens and their parents get on track with adolescent vaccines. The new vaccine awareness campaign is touting the benefits of the three vaccines needed during those critical teenage years – Tdap, Meningococcal and HPV. See all the materials at https://www.whyimmunize.org/HPV-vaccine-resources. Teens and parents get unique communications to help them […]
How to Use Storytelling + Technology to Showcase Your Nonprofit’s Work

By Shannon Ritchie, AJ Fletcher Foundation, & Dawn Crawford, BC/DC Ideas Nonprofits have amazing outcomes to share. Through digital tools, nonprofits can share these success stories with panache. The most exciting part of sharing your stories online versus in print is the ability for the content to live on past your latest batch of documents. […]
Beaming with Pride

Around here at BC/DC Ideas, we often talk about our jobs being our “work child.” We nurture it with hard work, make sure it keeps growing, and are always worried about it. So on days like today, we feel like proud parents! Our client, WithinReach & Vax Northwest, was featured in TIME Magazine for the Immunity […]
Bringing Infographics to (Real) Life
When our client, Vax Northwest, asked us to create an infographic for an upcoming event we let our imaginations grow beyond the pixels of the computer screen. The Vax Northwest team was preparing for the 50th anniversary of the Seattle World’s Fair, which was an opportunity to celebrate 50 years of vaccine breakthroughs. Unlike most infographics, this […]