Improving Maternal Mortality in North Carolina

Maternal mortality is too common in our country and North Carolina is no different. Once you layer the challenges women of color face in the healthcare system, the issue compounds. 4th Trimester came to us with an existing campaign that was designed around listening for the first warning signs that something is wrong with a […]
North Carolina Early Education Coalition: COVID and education system

How do you tell the story of COVID-19’s impact on the early childhood education system when you can’t film interviews on-site? Harness the power of Zoom! We worked with the NC Early Education Coalition to conduct online interviews with childcare workers, parents, and coalition members and then used a little editing magic to pull together […]
MomsRising: Get Out The Vote

Motivating your audience to get out and vote can be tough, especially when they’re busy parents. We partnered with the NC chapter of to produce a series of fun videos that encouraged moms to get voting on their to-do list! The video concepts were crowdsourced from the MomsRising community and star local mom advocates.